
diary 12

day 1  I have a cold now. Therefore, I went to hospital in my town. After it, I came to school. I gave some medicine. I drink a few time ago. It was hard for me to breath. But now, I feel better than a few time ago. I don't want to catch a cold from today. Because,in December there are a lot of funny thing.

day 2 I feel better than yesterday. I am running today. You may think that you should break down. But I don't do it. Because, I have to be strong more. I have to be big man. I have to run fast. I must go to america and play football. Can I do it ? I can do it. No, I must do it !!

day 3 When I was elementary school student, We were playing Touch football after lunch time. Touch football, It is easy american football. When we touch person, The person must stop there. However american football. We must tackle against person. I studied that american football is very difficult and very funny.

day 4 I love Line. This is so great apli. Because, When I sent to mail, I use this function. This is free. When I call my friends, I use this function. This is free too. When I speak some friends, I use this function this is free. You should this function more. I say again. I love Line.

day 5 I am swimming in pool. I swam 3000m. Swimming is whole body movement. Therefore, When you want to decrease weight, you should swim. When you swim 1 hour, You consume 1000cal. I recommends swimming diet. 

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Seichi -

    You wrote about swimming -- I think it is really good exercise, and I like it, but I'm not a really strong swimmer. I think I have to practice more...

    The score for this homework is 6/10
