day 1 We doesn't understand correct answer in the world? But we have to be living through the way one believes. People around myselfe would point out variously. But I sometimes have to ignore the comment. If the comment indicates its thing opposite to the way at which I'm aiming.
I believe my comment.
day 2 A petty bourgeois always laughs at a challenger. This wise word is sid baseball player Hideo Nomo. When he tried to challenge major league, it was laughed at by a lot of people. But he ignored the nonsense and challenged the United States. Finally, He got a success. I don't want to be petty bourgeois.
day 3 I want to run fast. Therefore, I practice 40 yard run. NFL player's average time is 4.5 second. NFL's top speed time is 4.2. The speed is said foot of speed of light. My time is 4.85 second. I want to be more fast. I must hard more.
day4 When I graduated from high school, I promised it with a lot of my friends. I promised to be american foot ball player in america. My friends supports now. I ran away from my dream alot of times. But, I don't want to run away from my dream. I will fight against myself. I must go to america.
day5 Do you this sentence ? On the field, anyone will taste humiliation once or twice while playing. A player that never suffered from it doesn't exist. But the first-class players, as a tribute to all their efforts, will quickly stand up. The average players will stand up after a little while. And the losers, will keep lying down on the ground. This is letter of durrel royal. this is great sentence. I want to be true fast class player.