Germany is a famous and popular country. Perhaps, everyone knows this country. This country is 3,570,022 km. The area of Germany is about same as japan. Germany has a population of about 81,637,200. Also, there are a lot of sight seeing and food. You know that baumkuchen? This food originated here. And this country, Almost people likes beer. so, If you live in germany and 16 years old, you can drink beer. Also, Besides beer, Germany is famous for sausage and wiener. Therefore, perhaps, German people always drink beer like a water with sausage and wiener. The main building in German is that Cologne Cathedral.
This building took 600 year by complication!! It was began to make it in 1248 and having completed was in 1880. If you want to look cologne cathedral, You should look in night. Because, It is lit up in night. It seems to be very beautiful. Thank you for looking
baumkuchen...バームクーヘン Cologne Cathedral ... ケルン大聖堂
169 words/ 8178 words
about same as japan. >> about the same as Japan.
返信削除It was begun in 1248 and completed in 1880.
If you want to see Cologne Cathedral, you should see it at night.
The main building in German is that Cologne Cathedral. >>
The main building in Germany is Cologne Cathedral.
You know that baumkuchen? >>
Do you know baumkuchen?