I had one grandmother. Her name is KEIKO NAKAJI. She was very kind. When I was elemenrary school and junior high school student, I always went to her house after school. Because It is very near from my house to her house. When I went to her house, She always gave me fruit and TOMATOES. The reason why she gave me "tomato", When I first visited her house after school, Her refrigerator has one tomato by chance. Since the day, Her refrigerator has always a lot of tomato and I became liking tomato. " Hello, My grandma ! Do you have a tomato?, of course, you try it " This conversation was daily. therefore, I had always eaten tomatoes until the days. My grandma was so kind and generous. The reason why she was so generous, She was always laugh.
Also, I experienced these thing. When I was angry and sad, I said that " My grandma ! today I do not eat tomato. My grandma was so surprised and said that " Why don't you eat tomato. I said with angry that I don't eat today. After a few times, you knows that she gave me one tomato. I was angry but at the moment, angry disappeared. My mother said that OK OK, first of all, eat it.
I was very funny. I didn't believe that the day is coming. When I was 15 years old in summer, My mother became sickness. I was shocked and We went to hospital. Doctor says that I can not understand dead or alive. And My grandma was fighting the sickness. After one month, She became a little vigor. I though that she will be health certainly. Everyone though it too. But after one month, her condition changed. My grandma was in critical condition. and two days later, The day come... My grandma died. I remember sky of the day. The sky is transparent. What I was feeling the day? Afterward doctor said that During her's struggle, She was very very tired. But she did not say weakness. She always says that sorry, seichi You can not eat tomato in my house. Why she is so strong? I respect her. And now, I am college student. These day, I do not eat tomato. these days , vegetable cost is very high price. However Now I like a tomato very much.
Thank you for seeing.
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